The Kiwi
We are fruit suppliers for wholesalers all around the world. Our fruit export quality maintains the best standards in the market. Plus, we have many loyal and long lasting partnerships all around the world due to our great quality, high standards and great communication with our partners. Join the Fru.Eat family, we are located in Greece, and start ordering your wholesale packaged kiwis for your business. Contact us here.
Our long experience in wholesale supply of fruit and vegetables makes us the best at what we are doing. Our Kiwi production comes entirely from the Hayward variety, and our most important production zone is in Greek Macedonia in the North of Greece. In fact, this zone is the most prominent and suitable for growing kiwis.
Fru.Eat is all about the freshness of the fruit. In fact, we do have several methods to keep the appropriate firmness and quality at its best. Additionally, our well-trained employees use the content of the kiwi juice in soluble solid consistency of the flesh. Thus, according to the experts this process determines the appropriate maturity of the fruit during the harvest. Moreover, they use the number of days from full blossoming of the seed. The measurement is conducted on healthy fruit, within one hour from being cut off from the tree.
Consequently, our secret to the kiwi harvest is simple, but not so many know it. We lightly pull the fruit and place it in plastic clean crates that are adequately ventilated. The kiwi harvest season begins around the end of October. Of course, provided the fruits are sufficiently developed, matured and have the necessary sugars.
A tip from our forefathers on the export business of kiwis is the following. At Fru.Eat, we harvest the kiwis early in the morning or late in the afternoon. This is only done when the climate is dry so that the fruits are not too wet. Plus, when picking the kiwisi we pay attention not to smush them one on top of the other. Kiwis are delicate fruit that need extra care from our specialized employees in order to be delivered to you at their best and tastiest condition.
Kiwis are a great source of vitamin C for anyone. Having fresh and certified kiwis provides a great assurance to your consumers. The kiwi fruit is great for heart and digestive health, as well as for the immunity system of the body. Kiwis provide a healthy choice of fruit and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.